Friday, December 2, 2011

My Shoot With Norma Jeane

It was a gorgeous, sunny, fall day during the Thanksgiving holiday in the magnificent city of Chicago. Wow! That was a long sentence. I'm pretty sure it's not a proper one either. Where's Jake when I need him?! Whatever! I'm not a writer, I'm a lover...oh wait, that's a different saying...

As we walk Michigan Ave. I'm reminded of why I love this city so much and how much I really do miss it. Chicago lacks for nothing in the way of things to do, eat, and see. One of the highlights are the unique pieces of art that gets displayed in different parts of the city. Right where "The American Gothic" by Steward Johnson was once displayed is now his work of Marilyn Monroe. The official image was taken by Bernard of Hollywood in 1955 for the movie The Seven Year Itch. He was the photographer who discovered this now famous american icon that still lives on.

As I recorded my version of the statue amongst the other tourists, Troy tells me he's been listening to the comments of the passerby's who can't help but to notice the enormous piece of...ART...where most stop to get their picture taken next to it. When I shoot, I tend to block everything out other than what I'm focusing on. So I start listening.....
"How come you don't wear a dress like that?!"

"You want to take a picture of her underwear?! Don't worry, you can't see anything!"
"I don't know why they put that up, it's tacky!"
"I was already under there!"
"Oh, she is wearing underwear!"~ what Troy heard from a couple of asian ladies
"Is that Madonna?"~ what Troy heard from a group of teens
"Granny panties confirmed."~what Troy heard from a group of Twenty-Somethings. 
"This is embarrassing!!!"~Ryan Johnson (My Son)
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  1. Very nice portayal, Nikki!

  2. Great photos Nikki and the comments are funny too. I finally got over to this piece of Art last week. Plenty of comments about the underwear that night too!

  3. Funny stuff my love!
