Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Siblings in Oklahoma

So, while out in Oklahoma visiting with my good friend to photograph her newborn and family, (you can see a few of their pictures here, ) I also had the privilege of capturing the essence of these adorable siblings!!!!! The parents couldn't have a done a better job with these little darlings!
Such a cutie! Almost 8 months old here.
Dad is pretty funny....I was glad for his assistance. 
Photographing these kids reminded me how much I love capturing
the spontaneity of children.
My favorite was when these two broke out in a kissy war!
Couldn't have even planned that, it was so cute! 
It's no secret this little guy is showered with much love.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Baby Boy

What could possibly be better than making pictures??? Traveling AND making pictures!!!!

My very dear friend and her husband had their first baby boy the end of July and asked if I could come to Oklahoma and capture some moments. Ummmm, YEAH!!!! Of course!!

I had so much fun documenting life here in the Redmond household over the span of a few days. Here are some of the highlights of this adorable baby and family.