Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fashiony Shoot at The Abandoned Methodist Church

If you're a photographer in the Chicago area, then you most likely know of this "playground" in Gary, IN. Known as The Abandoned City Methodist Church. These images were taken while I was back visiting (we moved from IL to PA) and hanging out with a couple of my crazy photographer friends Piotr and Jeremy. I really love a fashion forward image and tried to go for that kind of look with what I had to work with. The props....all found at the location. We did not bring any extra props. Just our lovely model Jessica and what she brought for clothes. How cool is that?!!!! Well, I guess someone must have brought them in at some point. Over the years we've seen things come and go as there have been many movies, videos and photo shoots go on at this location. I miss it so much. I miss what a larger city has to provide as far as, well everything. 

I saw this torn up chair off to the side and dragged it over to use. I love it!
So many images are shot with this big window in the background
but to me this view never gets old.
I think this might be one of my favorites!
I thought this was fun for a little more pin-up'y style. 
I totally love the natural light coming in here. 
Um, yeah...I totally had to find a way to use this lamp shade!
I wish I could drag this couch to every shoot I do!
As the boys shot, I couldn't just stand around and watch. I had to make
the most of my visit!
Toward the end of our shoot I saw these doors and had to get
a quick shot. I think it turned out cool!
Just a few of the outtakes with the boys. 
Who know's what was being said here, I'm pretty sure what ever
it was, it was inappropriate. 
Piotr just had to make sure I noticed him while Jeremy takes his turn.
Cute laugh! We're always having a good time together!
Piotr taking his turn.
Again, Piotr trying to steal the show so I just went along with it! ;oP

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tom and Cindy {Wedding}

"You've Gotta Dance Like Nobody's Watching"

I first met Cindy a little over a year ago when we got together
to do a photoshoot. As I was getting to know her, I remember
even back then we started talking about a possible upcoming engagement. I found out that she was a 
professional ballet dancer and that she also loved to swing
dance. Something I've always wanted to learn how to do.
It was through swing dance that Tom and Cindy met in the 
first place. You can view their engagement photos here and 
get to know them a little bit better. I was super excited when 
they chose me to photograph their wedding that took place at The Cultural Arts Center in Glen Allen, Virginia. I love to travel and to go on road trips so this was perfect! The location, decoration, weather and surroundings were the perfect fit for those two and all of their closest family and friends. I did a seperate blog post for the getting ready photos that can be viewed here. Be sure to click on the image to see them larger. Enjoy!

And a huge CONGRATS to Tom and Cindy!

I totally love the grooms cake that depicted the theme of the whole wedding. 
It was so fun to watch these two dance!
Tom started making these origami animals months before the wedding.
They were so cool and tied right into the theme.
Looking like they stepped right out of a magazine!
Tom and Cindy in the first position stance :)

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

creativeLIVE & Lara Jade Workshop {fashion 101}

Here is my submission for the creativeLIVE & Lara Jade Workshop in NYC. All I ask is that you don't laugh at me but WITH me!!! :oD Hope to see you in the Big Apple! You can also visit my Facebook Fashion/Beauty  page to see some of my work. Thanks!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

At The Same Moment-Tom & Cindy

 I won't make this the official blog post for the lovely wedding that I just captured. But as I uploaded the images, backed them up twice and started looking through some of them I couldn't help but to notice the events that were taking place at the same time. As wedding photographers we know how important it is to have a second photographer assisting because there is no way we can be in two places at the same time. Special thanks to my friend Priscilla, I couldn't have done it without her! A lot of the time we like to post right away a sneak peek of our favorite formal image of the bride and groom but this time I'm going to post a few images of the bride and groom getting ready in two different places at the same time. At the very same moment, she was doing this, while he was doing that....and they didn't even know it. I totally love this!

8:21 AM
8:22 AM
8:24 AM
 8:44 AM

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